NeedlyMat Needle Boards Hero by Ramatex Italia
NeedlyMat Needle Boards Hero by Ramatex Italia

The maintenance of your needle boards has never been easier!

NeedlyMat™ is here, the champion of NEEDLE BOARDS!

NeedlyMat Needle Boards Hero

An innovative system, compatible with all needle board patterns on the market*.

By optimizing the maintenance process of the boards, you obtain significant savings in time and resources.

With NeedlyMat™ you can operate in total safety, avoiding any risk of injury.

* In case of non-standard boards, the pattern will be generated specifically.

What is NeedlyMat™?

NeedlyMat™ is an automatic needle changing machine that aims to support the maintenance process of needle holder tables for needle punching machines with advanced procedures, based on artificial intelligence and self-learning, identifying damaged or bent needles and replacing them in total autonomy.

NeedlyMat - Macchina cambia aghi automatica

You just have to show him the needle table, then NeedlyMat™ takes care of it!


Needle board maintenance multilanguage

NeedlyMat™ has a simple multilingual user interface and is able to uniquely associate each operator with the activities carried out on each individual needle table.

Compatible with all Needle Boards

NeedlyMat™ is compatible with all needle board patterns on the market.

In case of non-standard boards, the pattern will be generated specifically.

Industria 4.0

NeedlyMat™ has the ability to send data, via the Internet, to a centralized processing system, in compliance with the Industry 4.0 model which regulates capital goods whose operation is controlled by computerized systems or managed by appropriate sensors and drives.

Needle board maintenance quick and safe

NeedlyMat™ performs the analysis of the needles and the replacement of damaged ones in an average time of one hour per table (estimated time for a table of 1300 × 360 mm, with density 5000 needles / meter and a maximum of 1500 damaged needles).

Needle board maintenance report and database

NeedlyMat™ manages the inventory of needle tables and needles, and creates a complete database of all operations carried out in a given period. Furthermore, thanks to the processing of the acquired data, it attributes to each table the exclusive NMI, NeedlyMatIndex, which identifies its “state of health” in relation to its useful life cycle.


NeedlyMat - Macchina cambia aghi automatica

NeedlyMat™ allows you to manage:

  • the scheduled maintenance of the needle holder tables, based on hours / work,
  • ordinary maintenance from wear,
  • total replacement of needles.

NeedlyMat™ allows to rationalize the use of human resources normally dedicated to the manual maintenance of the needle holder tables, improving the working conditions of the operators and making the whole process safer.

Safety First - Needle Punch Machinery
NeedlyMat - Macchina cambia aghi automatica
NeedlyMat™: programmed, safe and intelligent maintenance of needle tables.

Request information

Reservations are open for the first five machines and will be available starting March 2022.

Fill out the contact form immediately to receive preview information and enter the priority waiting list.

Ramatex Italia

NeedlyMat™ by RamaTex Italia Srl

About Us

RamaTex Italia Srl has been operating for about 25 years in the field of needle punching machines for technical non-woven fabric, used in various sectors, from automotive to geotextile; and is recognized as one of the companies with greater experience in the needle punching machine sector (unique in Italy for the range of products and services offered and for experience).

In 2018 RamaTex Italia obtained an innovative patent for the production of “zero friction” needle punching machines using magnetic levitation technologies; moreover, in the last 12 months, it has been heavily involved in the development of NeedlyMat™, a machine that allows for the automation of needle table maintenance operations.

NeedlyMat™ by RamaTex Italia Srl – Via Boschereccia 2gh – 51100 Pistoia (PT)

Email: – Pec:

Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva 01402870479 – Rea PT 146562

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